3 Foundation Repair Methods That Could Save Your Home From Escalating Damage

A bad foundation can be a serious problem with a home that requires expensive repairs. If you find out your home needs foundation repair, you should have the work done as quickly as you can since the damage could escalate and put your home in danger.

There are a few options for foundation repair, so your contractor has to determine the cause of the problem and then offer a solution that works well and fits your budget. Here are some possible choices.

1. Raise A Foundation Slab With Poly Foam

One reason a foundation can have problems is when a void forms in the soil. If this happens when you have a slab foundation, the foundation might start to sink where the void is located. A possible solution is to have the slab raised using poly jacking or mud jacking.

This foundation repair method injects poly foam or cement slurry into the void to fill it and at the same time raises the slab.

2. Support Your Home With Piers

Another way to repair a foundation is with piers. There are different types of piers for your contractor to consider, but they all have the same result. They create a strong foundation for your home to rest on. They might be made of concrete or steel, and they're placed in the ground so the piers rest on solid ground or rock. The weight of your home is then supported by the piers.

Some methods of installing piers are more disruptive than others, and the cost can vary too. Your contractor can explain how installing piers works and help you compare your options.

3. Seal Cracks And Add Waterproofing

If your home is still structurally sound, sealing cracks may be all that's needed. This can be done by injecting epoxy into the cracks to stabilize them and keep water out. If the cracks formed because of a drainage problem around your house, the contractor may improve drainage by adding an interior or exterior drain or adding a waterproofing coating to the walls of your basement.

Foundation damage doesn't have to mean the end of your home as long as you have effective repairs done before your home is too far gone. When the foundation of your home is damaged, the entire structure of your home could be in peril, so it's important to have foundation problems inspected as soon as you can so you know what type of repairs will be needed to save your home from further damage.

Contact a foundation repair contractor for more information. 

About Me

Tips on How to Repair Your Home

Owning a house is a great feeling. Owning your own house is also a great responsibility. As you get past the initial excitement of owning your home, you will discover that there is a lot that you have to know how to do to keep your home in good shape. We have been where you are at, trying to figure out how to take care of our home, and we are here to share out advice with you so that you will know how to repair your home. We will let you know how to fix common problems and what projects we would like to call in the professionals for assistance with. We hope our articles help you figure out how to take the best possible care of your home and enjoy the homeownership journey.




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